So, tonight I was able to hang out with my cousin, Grace, and her fiancee Levi. Obviously, being my cousin, I've known Grace her whole life, but as we moved away from Wichita when I was quite young, I regret to say that I never got to KNOW Grace really. She has grown into such a beautiful and sweet soul with a pinch of spunkiness thrown in, which makes for a good time when talking to her. For some reason, in my mind, the kids I've seen grow up always pretty much stay somewhere around 7 years old their entire lives, so it's weird for me to be able to have an actual conversation with them, but it's also awesome to be able to hear of the changes that have taken place in the years since they were, in fact, 7. It's incredible to be able to know a person from infancy and see them grow and change into young adults with thoughts and ideas all their own. Tonight, I felt honored to be able to actually get to know Grace quite a bit more and to get a glimpse of who she REALLY is, which is a far cry from who I thought she was or even assumed she was. It's good to get to know people for who they really are, and sometimes not so good too... But mostly good in my experience, which is limited, granted, as I am only 23 years old myself. Sometimes I stand astounded by who those "little kids" have grown into. I recently had a conversation with one of my older counsins and I was telling her how weird it was for me to see her eldest son as a young man. Again, stuck in the he's still 7 situation... Then she told me that it was even more weird for her to see me with my son because she changed almost all of us kids' diapers and remembers babysitting us and when we were born and ALL of that. Life is crazy, I tell you! How is it possible for it to zoom by so quickly yet seem to crawl ever so slowly when you're IN the day to day? Looking back on the past 5 years even, I am stunned by how life has turned out. SERIOUSLY. Married and with a 2-year-old son?!?! Never saw that one coming! Oof. Where did the time go in such a hurry? Makes me curious, and a little nervous, about what the next 5 year will hold. If the past 5 years are any indication, they will be years full of adventure. We shall see, I guess...
Father, I confess the anxiety for the what the future holds and my lack of faith. I don't want to walk in fear of living my life to the full of extent of how You want me to live because of past mistakes and hurts. Please, help me to live with hope and optimism of what You have in store for me. Help me keep in mind that Your plans for me are ones of hope and prosperity, and that, no matter what may happen in the next days and months, that You are in control and You will provide. I thank You for Your goodness toward me thus far in life. Thank You that Your mercy is new every morning and that Your grace is, in fact, sufficient, even for a disaster like me. You are good and You are faithful. Thank You for the opportunity to hang out with family and especially for the time with my cousin Grace. It was rare honor and I know that somehow You orchestrated such an occasion to take place. I trust in You, Father...
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