So, nobody ever told me that Ellsworth is "The Windy City" of Kansas. But it most definitely is. I don't know if somehow all of the hills create a current that whips through the town or what the cause is, but whatever it is, it brings about a gustiness that can be down-right frightful at times.
Naturally, because of this windy day in Ellsworth, I began pondering wind. It made me think of the poem "Who Can See the Wind?"... Neither you nor I... I'm sure we've all heard it before. Anyway, the wind... It can be soft and gentle and comforting... It can be cold and biting... It can be a nuisance... It can be a delight... It can take your breath away... It can bring refreshment... How can ONE thing be all of these things? Just one of life's many curious questions...
When I was younger, we lived out on a farm in Arma, and we had acres and acres to roam free and wild. Some of my best memories were made while living out on that farm. There were countless times when I was going through a particularly rough time in life that I would escape to my "secret spot" that was on the furthest hill from our house. It had a fallen oak tree and a small gathering of a few grand oak trees still-standing, but what it had most was a quiet and a stillness. I'd usually take a blanket to sit on, and I would go to my spot and breathe. The stillness would be broken only by the wind... But I didn't mind. The wind refreshed me in those times. A wounded soul is what I was. I wept many a time by that fallen oak. I slept by it. I dreamt by it. I prayed by it. I poured out my heart to God by it and asked Him to take my broken-ness by it... And the wind was my companion. Whether a breeze or a gust... When I wept aloud, my sobs were carried away with the wind. There were times that I'd yell and scream, and all were swept away by the wind... The wind was like a soothing balm poured over my bruised and battered heart. After I had awoken or the tears had subsided or the words had run out, there was always the wind to revive me. I always felt it was God's way of letting me know that He heard, He saw, and He cared... For whatever reason, God isn't on the earth in the form of a human being anymore, but I believe He IS here... Maybe in the form of the wind at times...
Love this. Very heartfelt. Ah, the wind. One of those unseen forces that moves things. May you feel refreshed and revived today. May the wind sweep over your soul.