Sunday, November 1, 2009

"And What a Fine Halloween It Was"

We dressed Donovan up as a lion for Halloween and he absolutely HATED his costume, which is amusing since I let him pick it out at the store... But, yeah... HATED it. He threw the biggest fit I have ever seen this kid throw and it was hilarious! Kicking, screaming, yelling "Noooooo!!!!", and struggling to get free from his father and away from the item of offense. I sat back and laughed until I cried at the struggle, not quite sure why he was in such distress. Eventually, we were able to calm him down with a cookie, but even a while after he had the cookie, he laid on the floor with a sad face and sulked. But he looked so stinking adorable! As we went out and about and from house to house, he caught on quick that the point of the whole ordeal was getting loads of candy and sweets. By the end of the night, he was a pro at walking up to the front door and holding his bag open for candy to be dropped inside it. My little lion melted many a heart as he gasped in delight over the treats being dropped in his bag and when he said a sweet,"Thank you." One thing I forgot to mention is that my parents were able to come to Ellsworth and spend Halloween with us, so it was all four of us adults and Donovan loading into and unloading from the vehicle each time we stopped. By far one of the best nights of my life. It was such a fun-filled night and one spent in much laughter. It also happened to be a perfect night for trick-or-treating weather-wise. It had been about 78 degrees during the day and was still in the 50s when the time came to go from house to house.

Before the evening of trick-or-treating, all of us were able to walk from our house up and down the main street here in Ellsworth and Josiah and I were able to show my parents some cool little places around town. It was such a refreshing day from beginning to end, and one that I will treasure always.
P.S. Sorry about the placement of the pics... Couldn't quite figure out how to put them where I wanted them... Oh well. At least they're there. :) Also, I will create an album of the weekend on Facebook, so be sure to keep an eye out for more hilarious pics.


  1. How adorable!! Glad is was such a good day. Great post. Love ya!!

  2. Emily,
    Those pictures were awesome:)It looked like Donovon was giving Josiah a run for his money. Tell Josiah "way to be the boss":) I am glad you all had a wonderful time. I am excited to get see all of you in a couple of weeks
    Love you,
    P.S. Grandpa and Grandma Posterick will officially be Pittsburg residents Tuesday evening!

  3. Looks like a great time with the grandparents! Next time you can bring him to my house to trick or treat...:)

  4. I'm cracking up that you got photographic proof of his fit. Those are the pictures we love to see. I'm bummed I didn't see you this weekend. Were you at church Sunday? I always love stealing Donovan kisses.

  5. Emily, I loved this post! It's hard to imagine Donovan throwing such a fit, but the photos prove it, that's for sure! I'm so glad your parents were there for Halloween! So fun! Take it from this grandparent, there's nothing like being with the grandkids!! Even if they're throwing a fit! :-) Love you Em!

  6. I'm glad I was able to get a couple of pics of the fit so everyone could see. It was quite dramatic. :)

    I can tell I've made A LOT of trips to Pitt in a short amount of time. :) I wasn't in Pitt this weekend, but went to Omaha instead, so that's why I wasn't at church. D and I will, however, be in Pitt and church here in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving weekend, so you can look forward to stealing Donovan kisses then. Hahaha!

  7. I love this post too. Actually all the ones I've read so far are great. I didn't realize what a great writer you are...hint, hint. I loved being there for Halloween weekend. It was great fun. I still don't believe Donovan threw such a fit even seeing it with my own eyes. He is quite cute and dramatic, is he not? Love you heaps and gobs.
