Monday, October 26, 2009

"Another Lazy Evening in Ellsworth"

I love naps! Taking naps doesn't actually happen too often for me, but when it does, I treasure the experience. Today, Donovan even helped make sure I got a good nap in by taking a 3-hour long nap himself. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to value them as much as I do. I'm sure I was the same way when I was younger, but oh how things change! I know there will come a time in his life that he will appreciate taking a nap. Naps are one of those "small things in life" that make all the difference. Sometimes a quick 20-30 minutes of rest is just the ticket, and other times it needs to be at least a couple of hours. If there is one thing in life I've learned, it's that sleep is a good thing. Getting some sleep can change your entire outlook on life. It has the ability to make a seemingly HUGE issue seem considerably smaller. It has the ability to refresh. Sleep has the ability to restore energy when once there was none to be found... Ah, yes! Sleep is a VERY good thing indeed.
It's Monday evening and Josiah is working until 11 tonight, which gives me the evening with Donovan. This happens a lot, and I love it. I love how much Donovan still wants me to be a part of things- of his world. I've heard this changes a bit when kids get older, so I strive to take advantage of it as much as possible. Anyway, some of my favorite moments throughout the night are when he brings me a stack of books to read with him while he sits in my lap or when he randomly comes to find me to give me kisses or when he brings me one of his swords and wants to have a swordfight or when he brings me a ball and wants to play catch or basketball with me or when I have music playing and he comes and takes my hands to dance with him. I know he doesn't realize how much these things melt my heart. But they do. I love it when I am tucking Donovan in for the night, and he reaches up his little hand to pat my face as I am kissing his cheeks one last time for the day. I love it when he says "Yeah" when I ask him if he knows that he is loved and if he knows that he is my most favorite person in the world. There is something about looking into the face of your child and seeing their love and adoration for you in their eyes. I love being a parent more than anything in this world. I have yet to find anything better or more fulfilling. It is SUCH an amazing reminder of God's unconditional love for us and gives us a small glimpse of how He must feel toward us. How amazing...


  1. Don't you feel so much closer to actually "getting" God now that you're a mom? I understood exactly what you were saying.
    BTW, I posted a comment on your very first entry just so I'd feel like I'd been in on this blog from the very beginning ;-)
    Heaps and gobs.

  2. Wow, I think everybody would want to be a mom after that blog! It was so sweet!

  3. It is great...just wait until you're a grandmother!
